Saturday, 5 November 2011

Cable Television

Cable Television is a system for distribution of audiovisual information via coaxial cable. The system includes its signal receiving amplifying and controlling equipment and signal origination equipment. Since this system involves physical network and distribution of cables it is only operatable under government permission. Cables may be hurried underground or hanged with the poles. Amplifiers are placed to boost the signals at intervals along the cable.
The essential features of Cable Television system < include headend for amplifying and processing signals for cable transmission, coaxial cable to carry the signals to subscribers terminal, equipment connected to subscribers' TV receivers and antennas. Headend, is the source of transmission. A studio for programme making can also be added with the headend.
The basic difference between cable TV and broadcast TV is that the television signals are transmitted over cable rather than broadcast.
Cable TV and CCTV (close circuit television) have a common feature. Both are closed in the sense that the signals they originate cannot be picked up off- the-air by anyone having a television receiver.
The difference between Cable TV and CCTV is that cable TV supply its programmes to a number of users while CCTV is used within a building, for. example, campus of a medical college.
The Cable TV is sometimes also referred to as "Pay to". As the name suggests the subscribers pay money to the cable TV company for- supply of programmes. Various channels with a wide range of variety of programmes are fed through cable. In addition latest news and informations regarding business, currency, shares, banking, sports and travel etc is available on cable.
Cable TV has made it possible to feed the programmes which are not broadcast through normal transmission. It may include un-censored films, sports and certain educational topics for the consumption of special audience. Cable Television is quite successful in United States.
Education is one of the important areas of social application of Cable TV. Programmes containing dense and detailed information can he supplied through cables.
Cable TV has a capacity of two way communication. The subscribers can talk-back into the broadcast station.
Privacy is inherent to Cable TV in all programmes. Cable transmission is intended to its members only. Cable programmes have mainly of thematic character based on films, music or sports.
Close Circuit Television
Close Circuit Television as the name implies operates within a specific area, more often at a campus or with in a building. This kind of channel is usually owned by an institution in order to feed the video pictures from a source room to other
cable-connected-rooms, within the building. CCTV is the commonly used abbreviation for Close Circuit Television.
CCTV is a system for distribution of audio visual information via coaxial cable. A CCTV unit includes its signal distribution, signal receiving amplyfying and controlling arrangements. The system is under control of the user and hence fall in the category of "Dedicated System". The system is referred to as "single user system" where it is the user (e.g. a medical college or a factory) who determines the contents, scheduling, points of reception and other matters relating to do with the programme transmission.
Cable TV and CCTV are physically identical. Both are close in terms of their signals distribution system which is through coaxial cables as compared to the
broadcast system.
CCTV is more suitable to higher or professional educational institutions where live demonstration is frequently required to be shown to other classes. Privacy is an important feature of CCTV. This in turn makes it possible to give freedom to the user to disseminate such information to the limited people which may not be suitable or interesting enough for the general audience.

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