Thursday, 3 November 2011

News Coverage : Requirements & Techniques

News Coverage : Requirements & Techniques
The television news coverage is different from covering the news events for radio and Press. Being a visual media almost every TV reporter leaves the newsroom for news coverage with a camera person or crew who will make sure pictures are taken and sound is recorded. Every reporter, of course, carries a note pad and pen, for jotting down important facts while covering a story. Such notes make it easier to write a script under deadline pressure in the field or back in the newsroom. It is important to write the correct spelling of a newsmaker's name and his title, because this information probably will be displayed on the screen when your story airs.
Also carry an audiotape recorder. Use it to record people interviewed in the field. The quality of the recording is not important -beacuse it will not be played back on the air. By using that audiotape alongwith your written notes, you can begin organizing your on-air report before you come back to the station. If you have time
you will want to see the tape that was shot in the field before you start writing. That audiotape can help you decide quickly what sound bites to use and the length of the sound cut.
Observation is especially useful tool on initial assignments in the field. In addition to observing the facts of a story, watch how more experienced reporters are covering the event: who are they interviewing? What are they photographing? Where are they doing portions of their narration on camera? You will learn from the choices and decisions they make as you try to gain confidence in covering a wide range of story assignments. »
The TV reporter while reporting the news assignments must strive to be accurate, fast, comprehensive, and vivid as you work under deadline, pressure and perhaps sift through conflicting or incomplete informations.
For TV coverage, it is especially important that you arrive at a news point early. Camera positions may be at a premium for latecomers. Try to sit in plain sight of your camera operator. You will not want to shoot everything m» the camera operator has to know when to start and stop. If an advance text of a statement is available, you might underline the portions that interest you as a guide to the camera operator.
Those who call a news conference may provide a plug-in point to a house" public address system. But most often you will set up your own microphone. Check the audio system in advance to make sure voice level and technical quality is good.
Try to find out in advance what kind of lighting problems you can expect. Electronic cameras must be adjusted for colour balance before the news conference.
This involves aiming the camera at some white object and pushing the white balance control.
Sources of T.V. News.
In theory, television news departments and newspaper editorial departments have identical sources of news gathering. In practice, it does not quite work out this way. One reason for this is that the two media differ in the kind and degree of news they use.
Television is primarily a visual medium and it is virtually the only medium which is able to show action, the sources of news must include the sources of news film and videotape. Many news programmes are prepared each day around film and videotape. The main sources of TV News are as under :-

News Agencies
Monitoring Reports
3- .
Foreign Office sopkesman
On camera crew
Own film library-
Scheduled events
Public relations representatives
Colourful characters

1 Responses to “News Coverage : Requirements & Techniques”

Unknown said...
2 August 2012 at 22:06

copied from aiou study guide.....

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